

Part - 1
Part - 2
Part - 3
Part - 4
Part - 5
Part - 6
Part - 7
Part - 8
Part - 9
Part - 10

Part - 11
Part - 12
Part - 13
Part - 14
Part - 15
Part - 16
Part - 17
Part - 18
Part - 19
Part - 20


  There was a film in the late 20th century called "Alien." It told the story of a commercial materials convey and its unfortunate demise at the hand of a single extraterrestrial being. You never found out what the creature was. You never found out where it originally came from. Despite this, its nature was entirely apparent: the sole purpose of its species was to annihilate. Murder. Destroy. There was no other resolution for something of its sort.

  No God would have placed this creature in the universe. Only the perverted thought of something truly insane could have touched on such a concept.

  Insanity: Exhibiting unsoundness or disordered of mind.

  Disorder: "To depose from holy orders." Dryden explanation. The idea that we begin with the basic logics and truths of reality, and over time recreate them to suit and survive in a flawed reality. In other words: the creation of the untrue.

  If untruth doesn’t exist, then there must be one hell of a landfill to store all of the lies that form from the minds of man alone.

  So what was this?

  It escaped from that landfill. The deeper void, where all thoughts go that are too horrid for reality. A place for monsters. We live in a universe where no monster can be. Everything has a purpose, a reason, and a place. Something like this, in all the pureness of thought and logic and reality, should not exist...

  ...and yet it was.

  How horrible, I thought, watching the theatre. How horrible that a person could come up with such a thing. How horrible the very dreams of a man could be.

  How wonderful it is that they are just dreams. How wonderful that mankind, and mankind only, is deranged in this universe. Disordered. Insane.

  In all its horridness, no one could have ever realized how wonderful it was.

  How wonderful it was.

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Monster is © Edan Koch. The Universe in which it takes place is based upon Natural-Selection. All characters and locations are fictional. Any association with actual persons or places is coincidental.

Natural-Selection and all artwork, screenshots, text and code associated with it are © Charles G. Cleveland, 2001.